Eine Familie von 10 Rissos Delfine in Taiji-Japan brutal abgeschlachtet / 11.09.2015

Eine Familie von 10 Rissos Delfine in Taiji-Japan brutal abgeschlachtet / 11.09.2015


(Bildergalerie auf Bild klicken / 15 Bilder)

Heute Morgen schlachteten die Delfin Mörder aus Taiji-Japan eine Rissos Delfin Famile samt ihren Babys und trächtige Mütter ab.

Wir sind traurig Ihnen berichten zu müssen, dass nach 10 aufeinanderfolgenden Blau Cove Tagen die mörderischen Jäger in der Lage wahren, eine unschuldige Delfine Familie in die Tötungsbucht zu treiben und dann herzlos ihr Leben auszulöschen.

Die ganze Familie von 10 Rundkopfdelfinen wurden heute zum Tode verurteilt, bzw. unmenschlich und brutal abgeschlachtet.

Dieses Video wurde heute morgen in Taiji-Japan gedreht!

Original Text von den Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians, heute morgen geschrieben:

We are sad to report to you that after 10 consecutive Blue Cove days, the murderous hunters were able to drive a family of innocent dolphins into the killing cove and then heartlessly extinguish their lives. The enitre family of 10 Rissos dolphins were given the death penalty today.

Tarps are draped outside the butcher house to hide the meat buyers identities and the killers shameful actions. After 10 blue cove days the first slaughter of the season is complete. 12:17pm #‎tweet4taiji

We can't confirm if it was a dolphin or not, but it's not uncommon for some pod members to drown in the chaos. In total two skiffs left with dead bodies and no captures. We will continue to monitor the situation and update our social media. 11:59am #‎tweet4taiji

One skiff has left the cove carrying the bodies of dead Dolphins. Another family brutally destroyed in Taiji, Japan. 11:33am #‎tweet4taiji

The killers are removing the outer nets. We can assume that the slaughter is complete, but stand by for any updates. 11:20am #‎tweet4taiji

The pod is now under the tarps in the killing cove. This family of Risso's are currently being murdered by the greedy killers. 11:01am #‎tweet4taiji

The killers are pushing hard to net the pod of 10-15 Risso's Dolphins into the inner parts of the cove. Slaughter is imminent. 10:46am #‎tweet4taiji

This is what your ticket to a dolphin show pays for. These Dolphins are going through hell at the hands of the Taiji killers. 10:33am #‎tweet4taiji

In pure panic the Dolphins have started beaching themselves on the rocks in the public part of the cove. 10:31am #‎tweet4taiji

The pod is in the cove now as the nets are being dropped. The first slaughter of the season is about to start. 10:24am #‎tweet4taiji

The pod is confirmed to be Risso's dolphins. Taiji's quota for Rissos dolphins this year is 256 lives. 10:04am #‎Tweet4Taiji

The first drive of the season is in full swing in Taiji as the boats are pushing hard. Black smoke is hovering as the pod is putting up a fight. 09:55am #‎tweet4taiji

Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians Faceboock

Ric O'Barry's dolphinproject Faceboock