Die Cove Guardians, Ric Obarry’s Dolphin Project Team und die Welt waren heute erneut Zeugen von unglaublichen Misshandlungen und der Tötung von 21 Grindwalen in Taiji Japan.
Seit dem 19. November 2015, als eine unschuldige Pilotwal Familien in die Mörderbucht von Taiji getrieben wurden, ermordeten die Mörder gestern und heute insgesamt 32 Pilotwale. Plus mindestens einen Todesfall, verursacht durch Misshandlungen der Mörder, die später versuchten den Leichnam unter Planen abgedeckt vor der Öffentlichkeit zu verstecken und transportierten ihn dann ab ins Metzgerhaus von Taiji.
Die Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians und Ric O’barry mit seinen Cove Guardians werden diese Nacht in der Nähe der restlichen, überlebenden Pilotwale verbringen als Zeichen der Trauer und Mitgefühl. Es ist die dritte Nacht in Folge die sie mit den Pilotwale verbringen, nachdem sie heute erneut die schrecklichen Verbrechen an den unschuldigen 21 Opfer in der Mörder Bucht von Taiji Japan miterleben mussten.
Kommentar ~ Cynthia Fernandez, Dolphin Project Senior Cove Monitor:
"I watched as a youngster kept rubbing it’s little body against one of the surviving adult pilot whales. When I thought this scene couldn’t get more sickening, I saw another juvenile swim by with blood smeared across its dorsal fin. After over 62 hours of being held hostage in the cove, they were, once again, left alone overnight, with no access to food.”
Kommentar Ric O’Barry :
"Assuming the dolphins ate a full meal at the time of their capture, they have not had any access to food for at least 62 hours. As opportunistic foragers, what if they were looking for a meal when they were caught? Also, the only water they get is from the food they eat. These pilot whales are now confused, weak and dehydrated. They have been through a war and it isn’t over yet!”
305pm: An empty skiff just entered the killing cove, minutes later this photo was taken. There are no words to describe the horror this pod has endured.
1030am: The captive Pilot whale is passed by a killing boat carrying the bodies of loved ones.
0955am: UPDATE: At least half the pod remains netted in the cove. Transfer of bodies in progress from this mornings slaughter. LiveStreaming will begin again when fate of remaining pod is known. We will keep you updated.
0915am: The smallest Pilot whale seen has wounds along dorsal fin. The grunts coming from the remaining pod are horrific as the transfer of bodies continues around them.
0855am: 3 bodies have been recovered from the divers while body transfers continue.
0835am: A diver is seen searching the water, at the same location where we witnessed on LiveStream, floating bodies the banger boat had not secured.
0815am: This Pilot whale continues to cry out and thrashes itself in the water. In total 3 skiffs have left the cove transferring bodies.
0735am:Transfer of bodies to butcher house.
0700am: Entire family pushed into killing cove, as family members are being slaughtered.
0605am: FROM TAIJI HARBOR: The tarps are up covering death's door at the butcher house, skiffs are preparing for a